Smoking is both a psychological and organic addiction. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances for humans, having a direct negative impact on their health, as well as long-term effects.
Acupuncture is a natural, pain free and harmless method that can substantially help an individual in their efforts to quit smoking and get over their nicotine addiction. Acupuncture plays a supportive role in many ways, as it affects the body’s endorphin levels and reduces the desire to smoke, as well as the intensity and duration of the withdrawal syndrome and the likelihood of relapse. In parallel with the use of specific points on the ear and face, it re-programs the sensors related to taste, smell, pleasure and the tolerance of nicotine by the body, making the individual intolerant to nicotine and the smell of tobacco. With regard to mental addiction, acupuncture helps through the calmness it causes due to reduction of stress and irritability. Furthermore, acupuncture can have a positive effect on sleep disorders and the increase in appetite following cessation of smoking.
In order to withdraw from smoking, auricular acupuncture is used, as is point acupuncture on the face and the body. Smokers must not smoke in the 24 hours prior to acupuncture, or at least from the morning on the day of the acupuncture appointment. The needles remain in place for approximately 20-30 minutes and are then removed. Following the removal of the needles, ear tacks with adhesive backing are inserted in the ear in order to continue stimulating the suitable points. The results are felt between 6 to 8 hours after treatment. On the following day, smokers have a reduced and more controlled desire for smoking, without intense withdrawal symptoms. The number of sessions is determined by the patient’s history and the duration of smoking.